Sunday, December 13, 2009

1950s Suburban Role Model

Women’s roles in society went from the image of "Rosie The Riveter" to the suburban housewife. The Seventeen magazine covers portrayed women throughout the 1950’s as the new hope for society. Men returned home distressed from the war and women’s roles changed rapidly as they lost their previous jobs, the entire country wanted to return to a state of “normalcy”. What is interesting about the teen magazine covers is the young women are still portrayed as a demographic that plays an important role in shaping society. The covers directly hailed the young women, by making it seem as though the country needed their help, once again, in order to improve the state of life for all.

It is easy for us to look at this cover today and criticize it for encouraging women to live solely for their family and essentially subservient to men, but we must consider the time and place in order to understand why this image was being promoted. For one, the fear of communism was rapidly spreading and one of the major concepts was that the US was better , because it contained nuclear families something that was portrayed as missing from the Communist way of life. Images of these women in all aspects of the media made the idealized suburban family the definition of happiness during this time.

While the idea of women going to work during WWII seemed proper during those years, it was now seen as abnormal for women to leave the family everyday to go to work. Since women took over the male positions once the men went to war, the men needed those jobs back when they returned. The majority of the media publications are owned by men, which would explain why the images slanted more towards assisting the men get back their jobs and way of life , which they had before the war. These idealized images of suburban housewives are how the media images were slanted in order to help the men (media producers). Of course this was hidden beneath the glamorized images of women by making women feel as though they were actually actively helping the US recover.

The cover of this magazine is more about the daintiness and femininity of the female. She isn’t shown in a work environment or a bland colored suit. During the 50’s, fashion reflected the new feminine image by showing fuller dresses and skirts, brighter colors, and very small waistlines. Her outfit was no longer about practicality in the work force, but it became about how to look good for the husband and present oneself like the ideal housewife shown throughout the media. The cover of this magazine also interpolates the female reader by making her feel as though, fulfilling this image makes her a true American. Clearly the color scheme of her bright red coat and white gloves against the blue and white striped background, represent the image of the American flag.

Notice that the cover of this magazine doesn’t list the superficial headlines present on modern day magazines. The cover simply says “ Big ideals- and design… Its fashion and fun… its food and furniture… its hope- which is you”. The cover simply alludes to the fact that these broader subjects will be mentioned in the magazine. The magazine is still a source of entertainment for young girls, but it doesn’t just advertise the way in which a teen can change her body or look thinner. The magazine directly speaks to the reader by using the word "you", which is similar to the way advertisements hail consumers. Once again the use of the word ideals, means that the magazine is a source that teaches and shares ideas of the world with young girls. This looks at girls as an intelligent demographic, which should be aware of events taking place in the country.

The last line “ Its hope.. which is you” sums up the way the media promoted the 1950’s female image. Here the magazine is saying that this new female role in society is the one that can bring change to the United States. The young girl should idealize this way of life, because it is what allows the US to recover. Therefore women aren’t just acting subservient to men in society, but by acting this way they are able to contribute a lot of good. This makes women and young girls want this way of life, because it is glamorized and in away it is portrayed as an empowering image for women. The line that reads “about your own USA” makes it seems as though this new female role should be accepted, because it allows women to take control of their lives for the very first time. Of course this is debatable as of today and even soon after this image was promoted women began to question this way of life.

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